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Pest Control Canada (Common Pest)if you are in Canada you could infected by some kind of insects inside your premises

Bed bug
Bedbugs, or bed bugs, are small insects that prefer to feed on human blood. Bed bugs, though not strictly nocturnal, are mainly active at night and are capable of feeding unnoticed on their hosts.
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Cat & Dog Fleas
Fleas are small (1/16 to 1/8-inch (1.5 to 3.3 mm) long), agile, usually dark colored (for example, the reddish-brown of the cat flea), wingless insects with tube-like mouth-parts adapted to feeding…
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Pharaoh Ants
The Pharaoh ants are small ants, measuring from 1.5 to 2 mm (1/16th to 1/12th an inch) in size. The workers are all one size (monomorphic). The colour of Pharaoh ants colour varies…
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There are different species of cockroaches but most important is German cockroach. The German cockroach, Croton bug or steam fly is a small species of cockroach, measuring about…
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Red & Flour Beetles
Adult flour beetles are red-brown, slender, and about 1/8-inch long. Both red and confused species look very similar. They can be distinguished by looking at the antennae.
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Fruit Flies
The adult fruit flies are 1/8-inch long and have a dull, yellow-brown to dark brown colour. There are some species that have distinctive red eyes. The larvae are small (1/10-to 1/5-inch long)…
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Feral Pigeon
Feral pigeons also called city doves, city pigeons or street pigeons are derived from domestic pigeons that have returned to the wild. The domestic pigeon was originally…
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Meal Moth
Indian meal moth adults have a 5/8″ to ¾” wing span. The wings are a copper brownish colour with a grey band near where the wings attach to the body. The larvae are about ½”…
Read MoreThe house mouse is a small rodent, a mouse, one of the most numerous species of the genus Mus. As a wild animal the house mouse mainly lives associated with humans, causing damage to crops and stored food. The house mouse has been domesticated as the pet or fancy mouse, and as the laboratory mouse which is one of the most important model organisms in biology and medicine. It is by far the most commonly used genetically altered laboratory mammal. House mice have an adult body length (nose to base of tail) of 7.5-10 cm (3.0-3.9 in) and a tail length of 5-10 cm (2.0-3.9 in). The weight is typically 10-25 g (0.4-0.9 oz). They vary in color from white to grey and light brown to black.

Our Valuable Clients SaysPest Prevention for our Great Clients
I was very pleased with the service and thoroughness of the job done by exterminator of Metro King Pest Control. He removed squirrel and mice infestation from my attic professionally. He was very polite and did a great job.
Metro King Pest Control has done a professional and through job to remove mice infestation from my house .The customer services was really amazing.
Gary Singh
We have bed bugs and cockroach infestation in our high-rise rental buildings. We got the pest control services from Metro King Pest Control and they did marvelous job to make our property pest free.
Really I am very happy the way Metro King Pest control I professionals have solved my cockroach and mice infestation in my rental building in Windsor. Don HOANG Property Manager Windsor Ontario

Cryonite System - Non Toxic Bed Bug Control Method
The Cryonite System uses very low temperatures to kill insects. Insects are frozen using carbon dioxide “snow”. There are no insecticides and there is no residue build-up, so no risk of toxic or allergic reactions. The carbon dioxide used is a by-product of an industrial process, so using it adds no extra carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Dry ice (-78°C) is discharged by a patented nozzle at optimal particle size and stream velocity. This technology is internationally proven and thoroughly tested.
Welcome to Metro King Pest Control Inc
Metro King Pest Control Inc. is a leading Pest Control Company delivering exceptional quality pest control services to residential, industrial and commercial sectors of Ontario. Our dedicated professionals have set the high standards for pest management in the pest control industry. We eliminate all pests such as bed bugs, cockroach, mice, fruit-flies, birds, ants, wasps, bees, raccoons, skunks, squirrels, hornets, silver fish and many more with guarantee.
Bed bugs, cockroaches, and mice have become a serious problem in apartment buildings, houses and motels.
We, at Metro King Pest Control Inc., have an excellent solution for all these nasty pests. Now, there is no need to garbage your costly furniture and other items because Metro King Pest Control Inc. is committed to make your dwelling pest free by adopting very safe, effective and environment friendly pest management methods at very affordable price.
Pest Control Toronto | Pest Exterminator Windsor & Bradford | Bed Bugs Control & Treatment

470 Elliott Street East, Windsor, ON N9A 3R9
52 Richardson Crescent, Bradford, ON L3Z 0L6