Non Toxic Treatment for Bed Bugs Control
The Cryonite System uses very low temperatures to kill insects. Insects are frozen using carbon dioxide “snow”. There are no insecticides and there is no residue build-up, so no risk of toxic or allergic reactions.
The carbon dioxide used is a by-product of an industrial process, so using it adds no extra carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.
Dry ice (-78°C) is discharged by a patented nozzle at optimal particle size and stream velocity.
This technology is internationally proven and thoroughly tested.
What “Just Freeze” can do:
- Kills bed bugs immediately on contact
- 100 % effective, no development of resistance
- Eliminates all life stages including eggs and larvae
- Effective against other insects as well as mites and fleas
- Completely non-toxic and non-allergic
- Hygienic, no odours or fumes, no liquid residues
- Non-staining of paint, plastic or wood
- Safe to use on all surfaces including electronic devices
- No clean-up – can come in direct contact with beds, linen, tabletops, TVs, etc.
- Very little downtime for your hotel room – it’s available straight after treatment
- Your business can continue to operate and your revenue won’t be affected
- Diatomaceous Earth applied after treatment provides non-toxic residual protection

This will be a seamless treatment! (Who we can “Just Freeze”:)
- “Just Freeze” is the perfect pest control method for the hospitality industry, the food industry, in hospitals, rest homes, kindergartens and schools.
- Work areas (including food preparation areas) can be treated while still in use!
- Hospital beds can be treated while the patient is still in them!
- Safe to use around electrical equipment!
- Excellent for kitchens with corners and in-built machinery.
- Reduces the need for fumigation of equipment or production areas, when used regularly as a component of your sanitation cycle!